Medical Inmate Exclusion Policy

Updates on CCI’s Efforts to Amend the Medicaid Inmate Exclusion Policy

The Medicaid Inmate Exclusion Policy (MIEP) is a federal policy in the Social Security Act that denies or revokes federal health benefits for adults and juveniles prior to adjudication while they await trial in county jail. 

CCI has long partnered with the National Association of Counties to amend this policy.  Most recently by sending this letter in support of two pieces of bipartisan legislation (the Due Process Continuity of Care Act & Reentry Act) to our Colorado Congressional Delegation. 

In addition, CCI has sent a letter to Congresswoman DeGette who serves on the Energy & Commerce Committee, encouraging her support of these bills and their inclusion in a larger legislative package to reauthorize the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act. 

CCI would encourage counties to also contact their delegation members in support of these policies as well.

If you have additional questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Katie First ( 

2024 Summer Conference

CCI Foundation Winter Conference 2024

May 28-30, 2024
Eagle County, CO
Click here for more info

For questions or more information, contact Annie Olson at

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