2024 Proxy Designation

Per CCI’s Bylaws, each county may designate a county staff member to serve as a proxy and are permitted to vote during steering committee meetings. It is important to designate your county proxy to ensure a 65% majority is reached on votes and to complete a proper audit of votes.

This proxy:
• must be designated annually by the Board of County Commissioners
• may only vote for the designated committee(s)
• is not permitted to vote for another county
• is not permitted to vote during the Legislative Committee Meeting or for
Steering Committee Leadership


To appoint your county proxy, please fill out this form by January 19, 2024 and send it back to Brittney Becerra(bbecerra@ccionline.org/720.202.5296).

PDF Version or Word Version 

2024 Summer Conference

CCI Foundation Winter Conference 2024

May 28-30, 2024
Eagle County, CO
Click here for more info

For questions or more information, contact Annie Olson at aolson@ccionline.org.

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